Mike Carbo to Attend Fort Hamilton Comic Con

Legendary Comic Buyer Mike Carbo will be attending Fort Hamilton Comic Con this Saturday in Brooklyn, NY


The show is one day only and runs from 10am until 6pm at the Fort Hamilton Community Club (on the base).

Carbo will be solely focused on buying at this show and has the CASH to prove it!  Here are some of the items that he will be looking for:

Comic Books:

  • Pre 1978 Individual Books & Complete Collections
  • Original Comic Art

Entertainment Cards:

  • Unopened Boxes & Cases
  • Autograph & Prop Insert Cards
  • Vintage Sets & Singles (pre 1986)

No deal is too big…no deal is too small! To set up an appointment with Mike email [email protected] or call him at 201-892-1212.

We are currently paying some of the most aggressive prices we’ve ever offered for your quality comics, cards and collectibles.

If you are looking to sell and aren’t in the Brooklyb area – get in touch with us! We constantly travel to sellers, and often times arrange for items to be sent directly to our offices.

Call us toll free at 1-888-440-9787 x.100, fill our our easy buying contact form, or email [email protected].

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