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HP May 4th
Dominion Dark Ages (Rio Grande)

Dominion Dark Ages (Rio Grande)

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  • Dominion Dark Ages (Rio Grande)

    Dominion Dark Ages (Rio Grande Games)

    Times have been hard. To save on money, you've moved out of your old castle and into a luxurious ravine. You didn't like that castle anyway; it was always getting looted and never at a reasonable hour. And if it wasn't barbarians it was the plague, or sometimes both would come at once, and there wouldn't be enough chairs. The ravine is great; you get lots of sun, and you can just drop garbage wherever you want. In your free time you've taken up begging. Begging is brilliant conceptually, but tricky in practice since no one has any money. You beg twigs from the villagers, and they beg them back, but no one really seems to come out ahead. That's just how life is sometimes. You're quietly conquering people, minding your own business, when suddenly there's a plague, or barbarians, or everyone's illiterate, and it's all you can do to cling to some wreckage as the storm passes through. Still, you are sure that, as always, you will triumph over this adversity, or at least do slightly better than everyone else.

    • Manufacturer: Rio Grande Games
    • Product: Dominion
    • Series:
    • UPC/Barcode: 655132004817
    • Release Date: January 1st, 2014

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