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1979 Topps Wacky Packages Series 1 & 2 120-Card Lot

1979 Topps Wacky Packages Series 1 & 2 120-Card Lot

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Item Description
Item Details
  • 1979 Topps Wacky Packages Series 1 & 2 120-Card Lot

    1979 Topps Wacky Packages Series 1 & 2 120-Card Lot!!!

    In This Lot You Will Receive:

    #1 - Camals x2
    #2 - Mrs. Klean x2
    #3 - Chock full o' Nuts and Bolts x2
    #4 - Vicejoy x2
    #5 - Liptorn
    #8 - Crust
    #9 - Gadzooka
    #10 - Botch Tape x2
    #11 - Plastered
    #12 - Ultra Blight x2
    #15 - Schtick
    #16 - Boo-Hoo x2
    #18 - Vile
    #19 - Blunder
    #20 - Gyppy Pop
    #21 - Ajerx x2
    #22 - Lucky Stride
    #23 - Rabid Shave x2
    #24 - Koduck x2
    #25 - Crakola x3
    #26 - Neveready x2
    #27 - Hurtz x2
    #28 - Hawaiian Punks x2
    #29 - Drowny x2
    #31 - Bustedfinger x2
    #32 - Fright Guard x2
    #33 - Rinkled Wrap x2
    #34 - Girl-ar-dee x2
    #35 - Dampers
    #36 - Armor x2
    #37 - Land O Quakes x2
    #38 - Moonshine
    #39 - Raw Goo
    #40 - Wormy Packages
    #41 - Blast Blew Ribbon x2
    #42 - Smith Sisters
    #43 - Head & Boulders
    #44 - Slaytex x2
    #45 - Shots x2
    #46 - Shot Wheels x2
    #47 - HaHa
    #50 - Sugar Daffy
    #51 - Soft-Head Bulbs x2
    #52 - Goonman's x2
    #53 - Baby Runt x2
    #54 - Footsie Roll
    #55 - Bit-O-Money x2
    #56 - Blisterine x2
    #57 - Dutch Boy Paint x2
    #58 - Medi-Quak
    #59 - Sunstroke
    #60 - Top Slob x2
    #61 - Contrac
    #62 - My T Fink x2
    #63 - Dums x2
    #64 - Slopicana x2
    #65 - Feetena x2
    #66 - Loggs x2
    #70 - Hopeless
    #72 - Suffertone
    #73 - Ivery Snow
    #75 - Canadian Clod
    #79 - Cheep
    #81 - Scorch
    #82 - Smoocher's
    #84 - Horrid
    #90 - Kook
    #91 - Nertz
    #93 - Chicken Fat
    #100 - Sweat Hard
    #102 - Motorzola
    #109 - Jerkyfruits
    #110 - Big Baddy
    #111 - Krazy Crackers
    #118 - Chumps
    #119 - Moobelline
    #120 - Old Spit
    #121 - Achoo
    #127 - Virginia Slums
    #129 - My Sink
    #130 - Oh Hairy
    #132 - Sorry Wrap

    • Manufacturer: Topps
    • Product: Wacky Packages
    • Series:
    • Release Date: Not Announced

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