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Fist-ographs return, along with new cards to collect, such as Memorable Match-Ups, Knockout autographs, Triple Threads Autographed Fight Glove cards and more!
Each Pack contains 1 sequentially numbered hit!
Base Cards:
125 of the leading UFC and Strikeforce combatants, including recently debuting fighters, seasoned veterans, and current champions.
Parallel Cards:
All base cards receive the following parallels, inserted 1 per pack!
- Gold Parallel - Numbered to 188!
- Green Parallel - Numbered to 88!
- Red Parallel - Numbered to 8!
- Mat Parallel - Printed on simulated mat stock and numbered 1 of 1!
- Printing Plates - All four plates for each card are numbered 1 of 1!
Insert Cards:
Ultimate Knockouts:
25 cards featuring some of the most memorable UFC knockout finishes in history. 1 per BOX!
- Green Parallel - Numbered to 88!
- Red Parallel - Numbered to 8!
- Mat Parallel - Printed on simulated mat stock and numbered 1 of 1!
- Printing Plates - All four plates for each card are numbered 1 of 1!
Autograph Cards:
More than 40 fighters are featured with their autographs. Includes on-card autographs. First-time signers will receive an additional "First Issue" stamp. Numbered!
- Red Parallel - Numbered to 8!
- Mat Parallel - Printed on simulated mat stock and numbered 1 of 1!
- Red Ink Autographs - Limited to 15, and will have the fighter's
- signature in red ink, along with his or her nickname, where applicable.
Notable Nickname Autographs:
20 fighters and their nicknames are highlighted on cards containing signatures of the fighter's nickname. Numbered to 25!
Three of a Kind Triple Autographs:
Fighters sharing a common link are grouped in sets of three, along with their autographs. 10 cards Numbered to 10!
SickSigs Autograph Book Card:
Six fighters are grouped together by a shared bond on tri-fold book cards, featuring six autographs. 6 cards Numbered to 5!
Full-Contact Autograph Card:
20 fighters put silver pen to card for this entirely on-card autograph subset. Numbered to 75!
Memorable Match-Ups Dual Autograph Card:
Ten pairs of fighters who faced off against each other in the past are paired up on cards with their signatures. Numbered to 10!
Ultimate Knockouts Autographs:
10 subjects from the Ultimate Knockouts insert also receive a special autographed version of their cards. Numbered to 25!
UFC Autographs:
Fighters and UFC personalities are spotlighted with cards that contain on-card autographs along with their Twitter handles. Numbered to 25!
Relic Cards:
Fight Mat Relics:
Up to 30 fighters and specific fights are celebrated with cards that contain swatches of authentic fight-used mats from UFC and Strikeforce events. Numbered to 288!
- GREEN Parallel - Numbered to 88!
- RED Parallel - Numbered to 8!
- Mat Parallel - Printed on simulated mat stock and numbered 1 of 1!
Knockout Relics:
30 fighters, featuring fighter-worn shorts or shirts. Numbered!
Memorable Match-Ups Dual Relic Card:
10 pairs of fighters, along with fighter-worn shirts or shorts. Numbered to 50!
Premium Pieces Relics:
30 fighters featuring multi-color relic pieces from fighter-worn shorts or shirts. Numbered to 88!
Between Rounds Relics:
Cards featuring the Octagon Girls and pieces of their outfits, round cards, and robes. Numbered to 25!
Ultimate Knockouts Relics:
10 subjects from the Ultimate Knockouts insert also receive a special relic version of their cards featuring fighter-worn gear. Numbered to 25!
Autograph Relic Cards:
Dual Autographed Fight Mat Relics:
10 cards featuring 2 fighter autographs and a piece of a mat they both fought on. Numbered to 10!
Knockout Autographed Relics:
Over 30 fighters, with an autograph and an authentic worn item. Numbered!
- RED Parallel - Numbered to 8!
- Mat Parallel - Printed on simulated mat stock and numbered 1 of 1!
Autographed Premium Pieces:
30 fighters, with an autograph and a multi-color piece of worn gear. Numbered to 50!
Memorable Match-Ups Dual Autograph Jumbo Relic Book Card:
Ten pairs of competing fighters, featured with their autographs and jumbo swatches of worn gear. Numbered to 5!
Between Rounds Autograph Relics:
Cards featuring the Octagon girls, pieces of their outfits, round cards, and robes, and an autograph. Numbered to 8!
Ultimate Knockouts Autograph Relics:
5 subjects from the Ultimate Knockouts insert also receive a special autograph relic version of their cards, featuring fighter-worn gear. Numbered to 10!
Autographed Glove Redemption Cards:
30 cards containing a code to redeem a UFC glove signed by a fighter.
Triple Threads Cards:
Triple Threads Relics:
48 cards, featuring 24 subjects with 3 relics, each with 2 different die cuts. Numbered to 36!
- Sepia Parallel - Numbered to 27!
- Emerald Parallel - Numbered to 18!
- GOLD Parallel - Numbered to 9!
- SAPPHIRE Parallel - Numbered to 3!
- PLATINUM Parallel - Numbered to 1!
Triple Threads Autograph Relics:
24 cards featuring the subject's autograph and 3 relic pieces. Numbered to 18!
- GOLD Parallel - Numbered to 9!
- SAPPHIRE Parallel - Numbered to 3!
- PLATINU M Parallel - Numbered to 1!
- LEATHER Parallel - Numbered to 1!
- "WHITE WHALE" PRINTING PLATES - All numbered 1 of 1! Four per subject.
Triple Threads Combo Relics:
12 cards featuring 3 subjects and 3 relics. Numbered to 36!
- Sepia Parallel - Numbered to 27!
- Emerald Parallel - Numbered to 18!
- GOLD Parallel - Numbered to 9!
- SAPPHIRE Parallel - Numbered to 3!
- PLATINUM Parallel - Numbered to 1!
Triple Threads Relic Double Combos Book Cards:
8 cards featuring 6 subjects and 6 relics. Numbered to 36!
- Sepia Parallel - Numbered to 27!
- Emerald Parallel - Numbered to 18!
- GOLD Parallel - Numbered to 9!
- SAPPHIRE Parallel - Numbered to 3!
- PLATINUM Parallel - Numbered to 1!
Triple Threads Glove Patch Book Card:
30 fighters featuring 3 swatches from a fighter-worn glove along with a jumbo patch piece. Numbered 1 of 1!
Triple Threads Autograph Glove Swatch Book Card:
30 fighters featuring 3 swatches from a fighter-worn glove along with an autographed jumbo glove swatch. Numbered 1 of 1!
Box Toppers:
Fist-ograph Box Toppers:
20 fighters showcased with an authentic fist print and signature on-card.
8 Packs Per Box, 5 Cards Per Pack