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HP May 4th
World of Warcraft Hunt for Illidan Booster Pack

World of Warcraft Hunt for Illidan Booster Pack

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Item Description
Item Details
  • World of Warcraft Hunt for Illidan Booster Pack

    19 cards per pack

    New kinds of heroes, each with their own rule-breaking, ground-breaking deckbuilding rules!

    Are you truly loyal to the cause?
    There are powerful allies who will only aid heroes who have declared their intention to destroy the Legion!
    Including Maiev Shadowsong, Akama and the Spirit of Malfurion Stormrage!

    Bigger IS better!
    This set contains some HUGE allies with double digit ATK and health values.
    Doomwalker, an even bigger Fel Reaver!
    Xi'ri, the Naaru commander in Outland!
    Azaloth, the largest ally we have ever made!

    Resistances - Damage type still matters!
    These allies will be difficult to destroy with specific damage types!

    - Loot Cards Increased Insert Rate - This set continues with the same increased loot insertion rate that we've used in March of the Legion and Servants of the Betrayer.

    - A new Super Common loot - This set will contain a new super common loot card that some customers will find multiple times per box!
    The effect of the in-game loot item will go away after a certain number of uses

    - 252 card set


    Path of Illidan - This is a "common" loot item.
    Most of the time, it will appear approximately twice per booster box.
    This card will grant you an item with some number of charges for a ground-changing effect.
    This effect will create a green scorched and cracked earth effect when your character walks or runs.
    Your enemies will fear you!

    Disco in a Box - This is the middle tier loot item.
    Clicking on this item makes music for everyone in your party/raid to listen to!Visually, this could be represented by a "jack in the box" looking item with a disco ball instead of a head.
    It's a party every time you use it! This will definitely attract the most attention of any middle-tiered loot item to date!
    Ethereal Suit - This is the top tier loot item.
    This item will transform your character's appearance into that of a member of The Consortium!
    Ethereals are astral travelers; they are pure-energy beings that most often appear in their specially enchanted wrappings that keep their energy forms bound within the humanoid shape.
    When they move, they typically leave light streaks in their wake.
    These are very cool looking creatures and will be extremely popular!

    • Manufacturer: Upper Deck
    • Product: World of Warcraft
    • Series: The Hunt for Illidan
    • UPC/Barcode: 053334587471
    • Release Date: July 1st, 2008

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