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UFC fans and collectors get a chance for the first time to see their favorite UFC fighters on crowd-pleasing Finest Technology!
Look for 1/1 Printing Plates, Finest Moments, Atomic Refractors, Plus New Octa-fractor Parallels!
AUTOGRAPHED CARDS: 1 Per Mini Box - 2 Per Master Box!
Finest Fighters On-Card Autograph Cards - 35 UFC pros put pens directly to Finest cards for the first time.
Printing Plates: 1/1
Red: 1/1
Octa-fractor: Numbered to 8
Gold: Numbered to 25
X-fractor: Numbered to 88
Refractor: Numbered
Finest Moments Autograph Cards - 15 fighters and their autograph on cards which depict a highlight from a hard-fought bout.
Available in Red Refractor and Printing Plate 1/1 versions and an Octa-fractor numbered to 8 version.
Iron Sharpens Iron Dual Autographs - Leading UFC fighters are paired with their training partners along with an autograph from each. Numbered to 25.
Finest Feuds Dual Autographs - Better than the Hatfields and the McCoys...each of these 10 cards portray 2 fighters engaged in a notable grudge match with each of their signatures. Numbered to 25.
FIGHTER RELIC CARDS:1 Per Mini Box - 2 Per Master Box!
Finest Threads Relic Cards - 30 UFC competitors appear on cards with fighter-worn relic pieces such as shorts or shirts.
Printing Plates: 1/1
Red Refractor: 1/1
Octa-fractor: Numbered to 8
Gold Refractor: Numbered to 88
X-fractor: Numbered to 188
BASE CARDS: 4 Per Pack
100 top UFC fighters shine as they make their first appearance on famous Finest technology cards.
The base set again on shimmering Refractor cards.
Printing Plates: 1/1
Red: 1/1
Octa-fractor: Numbered to 8
Gold: Numbered to 88
X-fractor: Numbered
Refractor: Numbered
INSERT CARDS: 2 Per Mini Box, 4 Per Master Box!
Finest Moments: 1 Per Mini Box!
25 UFC combatants are honored on Finest as they punish opponents in the Octagon.
Printing Plates: 1/1
Red: 1/1
Octa-fractor: Numbered to 8
Gold Refractor: Numbered to 88
X-fractor: Numbered to 188
Refractor: Numbered
Finest Atomic Refractor:
UFC combatants gloriously captured on die-cut Refractor cards.
Available in an Octa-fractor numbered to 8 version.
AUTOGRAPHED RELIC and/or JUMBO RELIC CARDS: 1 Per Mini Box - 2 Per Master Box!
Finest Flag-Bearers Autograph Patch Card - Each of 10 fighters is represented with 4 cards paying tribute to his country of birth. The first 3 cards highlight each UFC pro's signature directly on a single letter patch from his country's three letter abbreviation such as: USA, CAN, MEX, while the fourth features his autograph on a full-color, replica, miniature, flag patch honoring his nationality. Cards are numbered to 25.
Finest Flag-Bearers Autograph Book Card - These amazing Finest book cards
feature all 4 pieces of the patch cards above (3 letters and replica flag) with an
autograph signed directly on one of the patches, all on a single card! Numbered
Finest Fight Mat Jumbo Autographed Relic Cards - 20 fighters each sign an actual over-sized piece of the Octagon on these numbered to 25 cards. Finest Threads Jumbo Autographed Relic Cards - Each card features a top fighter with an autograph and a JUMBO relic piece and is numbered
to 25.
Finest Fight Mat Jumbo Relic Card - A giant, actual piece of the famous Octagon enhances each of these 30 UFC standouts' cards.
Available in a Red Refractor and Printing Plate 1/1 version and an Octa-fractor numbered to 8 version.
Jumbo Finest Threads Relic Cards - The same fighters as above this time with an extra large fighter-worn relic swatch.
Available in Red Refractor and Printing Plate 1/1 versions and an Octa-fractor numbered to 8 version.
2 mini-boxes per master box,
6 packs per mini-box, 5 cards per pack