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Loaded product with autographs, jerseys and 55 different rookie cards!
With 275 different NFLers, you're going to get an amazing selection of players in comparison to a lot of sets you'll see in the early going of this collecting season. The action photography is what you've always come to expect from Score and each player seems to be in action!!!
20 packs per box - 18 cards per pack
Base Card Set:330 Base Cards
55 Rookie Cards
Scorecard numbered to 500
Final Score numbered to team's number of wins
Reflextions 1:9
Materials Reflextions dual jersey numbered to 250
Monday Night Heroes 1:9
The Franchise 1:9
Numbers Game numbered to player's 2002 statistics
Franchise Fabrics jersey numbered to 250
Changing Stripes dual jersey numbered to 250
Inscriptions 1:65
Personalized Inscriptions numbered to 25
Key Rookies:
Carson Palmer, Byron Leftwich and Charles Rogers.
*NOTE*: To the best of our knowledge the above description is correct and accurate. If for any reason any of our information is incorrect or has left out information please let us know so that we may fix it.