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The Hour of Twilight is upon us, and Deathwing the Destroyer is ready to unleash the final Cataclysm and extinguish all life on Azeroth! Standing between the mortal world and total annihilation are the four Dragon Aspects ... and you! In the Battle of the Aspects Raid Deck, 3+ players battle the automated Deathwing boss as he summons his minions, attacks the Aspects, and uses his ruinous powers to attempt to lay waste to your party. Will you fall prey to Ultraxion, Warmaster Blackhorn, or any of Deathwing's other underlings, or will you survive and pry off his adamantite plating to destroy the Destroyer once and for all?
Battle of the Aspects is supplemented by an enormous 75-card foil Treasure Pack set featuring new class abilities, allies, and equipment. Recruit epic allies like Thrall the World-Shaman, get your hands on the legendary Fangs of the Father daggers, and turn back time with a brand-new Monster Master Hero: Murozond, Lord of the Infinite! All Treasure Pack cards are legal for play in Organized Play events. One Treasure Pack is included with every Battle of the Aspects set.
24 packs per box, 9 cards per pack (1 Rare or Epic, 2 Uncommon, 6 Common; packs may include 1 Loot in place of 1 Common.
Loot cards apear approximately 1:11 packs.)